
Nature is a source of inspiration, relaxation and beauty. It is also a source of adventure and a place to marvel at and enjoy. Discover the small wonders and the grand views. At Vildmark i Värmland, you can find both inspiration and knowledge about the variety of experiences you can have out in nature.

Nature is a place that offers both recreation and reflection, where the basic needs of life and living in the moment can become more apparent. To ensure your stay in nature is a positive experience, it’s important to be well-prepared.
Make sure you have the right equipment and clothing to stay dry, warm, and comfortable, based on the weather conditions. Being able to assess different situations that may arise and respond accordingly is also crucial. It’s helpful to have knowledge of the area, the prevailing conditions, and any applicable rules or guidelines for being a responsible guest in the natural environment. By taking the time to plan and prepare, you can make the most of your time in nature, finding both relaxation and a deeper connection with the world around you.

Timber raft

How do you build a timber raft? How do the longer timber raft tours work? What can you expect from a timber raft tour? Click to read more…


Canoeing is a fantastic way to travel, but what exactly is a canoe? How do you prepare for a canoe trip? What should you think about before and during the trip? Here are some helpful tips and ideas…

In nature

Spending time in nature offers a profound sense of freedom, but it also comes with important responsibilities. Understanding how to properly live and engage with the natural environment is key to having a safe and rewarding experience. Here, you can learn about the Swedish public access rights (Allemansrätten), the animals you may encounter and how to stay safe during your outdoor adventure. Read and learn more…

The river Klarälven

Flowing from north to south, the river Klarälven winds its way through Värmland for over 100 kilometers. For centuries, the river Klarälven served as a vital transportation route, used as a log-driving route to float timber from the forests to sawmills and pulp mills. Read more about the history of log driving and the important role the river Klarälven has played in the region’s history and economic development.


What is ecotourism and “Nature’s Best”? What are the requirements to be an ecotourism labeled company?